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Post By: Student4

Fire hall appreciation

     In lyons about them how they  don’t have time to hesitate when they think of everything that can go wrong. Not only do firefighters save people from burning buildings, but  they also go on emergency calls such as heart attacks, respiratory problems, any other medical problems, or just to help save stuck or trapped animals. […]

Community Studio- Cemetery Project (Jon and Tommy)

  Our community service project involves helping the cemetery. We have inputted the names and GPS location of the gravestones of over 1000 people. The cemetery board has had trouble staying up to date with their archives and needed some help to update the system. Right now, all of the names and locations are recorded […]

Working the Graveyard Shift

     For a while now the cemetery board has been discussing purchasing a software that will allow visitors to find their loved one’s gravestone with ease. We have been given the opportunity to help out the board with process of entering these headstones into a database. First we will count every headstone in the […]