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Main Street Remodel

This year for my community project, that my entire government class is doing, is redoing the front of my parents downtown business in Lyons Nebraska. I had no real inspiration to do this project besides my own want to bring new life to the building. This building is located on main street across from the post office. The plan for redoing it is putting in a new window or brace existing windows. From there I would like to brace the front structure wall to ensure no damage will be done to the finished project. I would like the install new trim work to the outside along with sheet metal to weatherproof the front of the building. This will help prevent water damage and add additional installation to the structure. I plan to also paint it to bring more lively color and redo the business signs that hangs from the front. Redoing the signs will consist of designing new layout for the designs and more ways to brace it. In doing this project I hope to achieve creating a long lasting structure that will shine in my small community. Even hope to bring more customers to Recycled. I am able to do this project thanks to the skills I learned from my father doing construction with him for many years. He will also help me make the project a completed dream. I wish to thank him for the his help and knowledge in transforming Recycled’s building. This project will not start the building phrase until mid March when we are blessed with the warm spring weather. I have hopes for this project to be completed by the twentieth of April and will be shown to the community the following week along with my classmates projects.

-Bren Shatto

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