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Community Studio Presentations – This Friday, April 29 @ 6:00 pm

Come out to support the Lyons Decatur Northeast senior class in their community service project presentation!

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The Lyons Decatur seniors will be presenting their community studio projects on Friday, April 29th at six o’clock sharp. We invite you to come see what our students have been doing around the community. We will be starting at the Burt County Fairgrounds at six p.m. sharp. From there we will be heading to the LDNE west parking lot at 6:30 p.m.

Groups of students have been working tirelessly for months on projects around the communities of Lyons and Decatur. One day per week, students use their Government class time to work on these projects and contribute their own time to it. These projects include laying sidewalk and stairs in the parking lot, re-doing the concession stand by the football field, and painting at the fairgrounds in Oakland.

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On Friday April 29, students will be presenting their finished products to the public. It starts at 6:00 at the Burt County Fair Grounds then travels through to the final destination in Decatur.

These students have been working hard to finish these goals, so please come out to support our seniors!


6:00 – Burt County Fairgrounds

6:30 – LDNE West parking lot

7:30 – Museum in Decatur


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